What Marketing Productivity Questions Need Better Answers?



  • How can we clarify addressable market segments and prioritize based upon fit, growth, competition, and potential?

  • Are there adjacent or sub-segments we should pursue?

  • How can we dissect the buying process to identify trip points and streamline the process for customers?

  • How can we clarify customer understanding through refined personas and market segmentation?

  • How should we refine our value proposition and differentiation to customers by better understanding demand drivers and competition?

  • What should our brand strategy be?


  • What is working or not working in our go-to-market strategy and what can we do about it?

  • What innovations can be created and leveraged in: communications, lead gen, price/packaging, distribution, delivery, business model, partnering options?

  • How effectively are current customers leveraged to generate new customers?

  • How can we codify the measurable benefits that customers derive from our products/services?

  • Can we build a customer ROI model to bolster the selling process?

  • How can we increase the relevance and impact of our messaging, positioning, and USP?

  • How effective are our marcom/ promotional materials and how can we significantly improve our creative?

  • How can we create more effective sales enablement and business development tools?


Related Solutions


Market Strategy & Approach

  • Define/ hone buyer, influencer, and value chain personas

  • Develop buyer or partner journey maps

  • Refine segmentation, identifying relevant subsegments and adjacent segments

  • Assess impact/ gaps of current GTM approach

  • Clarify/ refine business and go-to-market strategy

  • Bolster differentiation and competitive positioning

  • Refine/ clarify value proposition

  • Develop messaging decks per segment/ persona

  • Test messaging

  • Develop brand strategy

  • Guide development of marcom and promotional materials

  • Source marketing creative

  • Create sales enablement and business development tools